The Plan with Dan Hollings

This review is to give you an insight to my personal experience and results with The Plan with Dan Hollings cryptocurrency trading training course. 

For more extensive information about my “journey” check out my dedicated Dan Hollings review blog. 

Do you think The Plan with Dan Hollings is a SCAM?  I don’t blame you.  That is the number one question I get from people who first come across this.  But don’t take it just from me, check out these interviews I have conducted with a number of “beta #2” and “beta #3” students HERE.

If you don’t know me, my name is Regina Peterburgsky. I live in Melbourne, Australia with my daughter and 3 cats. I’m a solo parent, an entrepreneur, I own brands that I’ve been selling on Amazon for the last six years.  That’s my main source of income. 

I’ve been looking at investments and been dabbling in crypto (mostly unsuccessfully) since 2017 and I am certainly not in any way, a crypto expert.

Disclaimer: everything discussed in this review is not financial advice.  If you are investing in any kind of crypto or any investment, do your own due diligence and consult a certified financial advisor or planner in your own country. And of course, past performance is not indicative of any future results.

Firstly, what is crypto?

Well, simply put, cryptocurrencies are electronic peer to peer currencies that don’t physically exist, you cannot take a Bitcoin, put it in your physical wallet, pull it out and give it to somebody else, everything is done digitally.

This review will not be going any deeper than that. There are plenty of tutorials out there, which explain blockchain and crypto for beginners.

The best way to look at crypto is as a long term investment, because it is quite volatile. If markets are down, what you really need to do is hold on and wait for them to go up.   This training program shows how you can profit even more from the crypto you are holding.

So, this program is called The Plan with Dan Hollings.

If you don’t know who Dan Hollings is of course you can research him yourself.   But basically, he’s a bit of a marketing guru. 

I’ve known about Dan for almost seven years now. He was the marketing strategist behind the book launch of “The Secret” which was an absolute phenomenon a few years ago.   He has also sold personally and working with other sellers over $300 million worth of product on Amazon, and has worked with over 20,000 other sellers, both personally and with tools that he’s created. 

I personally, over the years in my Amazon business, have used some of his tools.  Because I already know of Dan, I was  I was keen to get in on The Plan  when it was first announced.

What exactly is The Plan?

The plan is a training program which outlines a strategy which you may wish to use to grow your cryptocurrency assets.

  • Nobody takes your money.
  • Nobody invests your money for you.

The Plan is a system where you can choose, if you wish, to take control of your crypto and put it to use in a slightly different way, than you may have heard about before.

In The Plan training, Dan Hollings does outline his methodology and rules, which he has spent three years and over 5 million dollars, perfecting the plan.

  • This is not Binary trading.
  • This is not Day Trading.
  • This is not some crypto MLM or “fund”.

In fact, one of the things that I love most about The Plan is it is a set of rules and strategies  which you set and forget.  And the hardest thing is actually been doing nothing.

What the plan actually does is teaches us how to take advantage of the volatility in the crypto space.

Crypto Volatility

Simply put, the plan is a way to capitalize on the volatility (or the wiggle) of cryptocurrencies.

So whether the market is up sideways or down profits are made at the macro level. So, 20 cents 30 cents 50 cents at a time, multiple times an hour, day, week, and all those little 20 cents 30 cents or 50 cents add up.

Dan teaches his strategies and processes, which can be put into a demo mode to see if it’ll work for you, then, if you choose, you may wish to then go live.

I’ll point this out again, you have total control at all times, nobody else is doing this for you.

I was really fortunate to be part of the first beta, when it was released in June 2021 and bought the program at full price.

In fact, I was on the waitlist before the plan was released to be one of Dan’s private coaching students and he did charge a handful people $10,000 for private coaching.  However the waitlist was so long that he decided to create a more structured program,  so I was one of the very first to jump in when that was announced because I was very keen to learn from, from Dan and see what I could do with my investments.

What’s in the training?

The training consists of six formal training sessions which are conducted live on zoom, and the recordings are accessible in the member’s area. 

There are also Q&A office hours so there are plenty of opportunities to ask questions as well as take the learnings and is it is still in beta.  By the time you read this review, or the next version of the training is released there may be more or less sessions for the training moving forward.

 Join The Plan HERE  

My results:

Here is a screenshot taken on day 20 of live trading:

The Plan Results 20 days

Here is a screenshot of my total profits taken at day 25 of live trading:

15% return in 25 days

So, this is what made me really excited to be part of this program. And using this as part of my investment strategy because I can’t see any other way, right now, to get over 200%  annualised return on my investment with so little work and energy.   

I run an Amazon FBA business, which takes up a lot of my time and I can get those sorts of returns. However, I’m dealing with a large and complicated business in order to do that here as an almost passive investment. I can make that kind of money, if I just park my money and do nothing, sit on my hands, so that’s why I am so excited about the plan and what it can allow me and my family to do in the future.

Compare that to bank interest rates in Australia at the moment:

Bank Interest rates

So let’s talk nitty gritty:

The Plan is USD$3,497 to purchase the training. There is a payment plan. 

It is recommended that if you plan to trade, live, rather than demo that you do have at least USD$1,500  to invest in order to make the plan work, obviously the more the better because you can diversify. 

If you’d like to just purchase the program, and play in demo mode without investing monies, while you learn, then that’s a great thing to do as well. 

The trading software to run the bots is from $20 to $110 a month depending on how many live bots you have.

And then if you wish to have an optional tax software – of course you need to see your accountant in the country in which you live to see what your options are for that.


Based on my own personal experience with this training, I would highly recommend it for anyone who is looking to get a better return on their investment funds and or knows that crypto is here to stay and wants to invest in crypto for the long term, with minimal risk, and also taking advantage of the volatility in the crypto market.

I was able to profit over $1,500 in 25 days (see screenshot above), so you can see, my investment in the training will be well and truly paid for in the first two months (I invested $10,000 for this return).

Enrollments for the plan are currently OPEN. To find out more, click  HERE

To see my series of YouTube videos where I outline my review plus trading updates, please click HERE.

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links contained on this site are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase. Please understand that I have experience with all of these products or companies, and I recommend them because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions I make if you decide to buy something. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals.